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Brother Daniel…..


Since I started sowing into your ministry, God has blessed me with overflow and plenty..  I do not want him to stop...I am sowing more and I am going to keep on sowing into Bible Revival Hour.  When I step out on faith and sowed the one thousand and seven dollars, it seemed like the flood gates of heaven opened up in my life and I thank God  I’m telling everybody to step out and sow and believe God, ..God bless you all in Christ…. Gwen


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>>>God’s favor brings the Joseph blessing.

Joseph was sold by his own brothers and landed in Photiphar’s house....a house of plenty....

When the test came, Joseph kept his honor and remained faithful to God. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown  into prison. It was in the prison that Joseph met the baker and the butler.  Remember, Joseph had the gift to interpret dreams.  The baker and the butler of Pharaoh solicited Joseph for his interpretation of their dreams.  God puts people in our paths that can change our destiny.  The very prison that held him captive provided a way for Joseph to enter into the King’s house....the house of abundance.  It all came way of the baker and the butler.... God will bring the right people in your life who will cause a positive change.... God will also turn an impossible situation into a river of blessing...


>>> GOD’S FAVOR is full of forgiveness

  The Favor of God if full of forgiveness.  Forgiveness is a promoter of healing.  Joseph was at a level in which he had the power to punish his brothers or to bless them... His family was untied once he administered the forgiveness that favor brought to his life....

>>>God’s favor brings people into your life that can make a difference!

God puts people in our paths that can change our destiny. Often times it is the small insignificant events in our lives that are responsible for changing our destiny.  Be careful not to shun the angels that may be in your midst.  The riches of the wealthy are laid up for the just....You do not have to come in contact with everyone...just the right one just as Joseph did.  The Pharaoh’s house was full and Joseph had charge of it.  Joseph reaped the benefit of the wealthy...



GOD’S FAVOR BRINGS PROMOTION...Joseph was promoted in the house of the Pharaoh.  He was placed in charge of one of the best real estate ventures that I have ever seen. He bought the land and leased it back to the owners for a portion of the grain. God had truly shown favor when he anointed Joseph in the business realm. Joseph increased in wealth and knowledge.  His keen business sense caused the house that he managed  to be blessed.  . With promotion comes the ability to bless others.



>>> GOD’S FAVOR fulfills the Abraham Covenant

 The Abraham Covenant breaks the curse of generations.  Your seed shall be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright shall be blessed! (Psalm 112:2)

The Abraham Covenant included a promise that Abraham would be exceeding fruitful; kings shall come out of thee; And I will give to thee and thy seed the LAND...  Your house is no longer under the curse.  You and your seed are declared blessed.  God  is declaring that you are a house of blessing!


>>> God’s favor brings RESTORATION


God’s favor brings restoration to relationships.  When the famine came, Jacob sent his son’s into Egypt to buy corn.  The overseer of the grain was Joseph.  Joseph was placed in a position in of blessing others. Joseph entertained his brothers and sent for his father, Jacob....God restored to Joseph his family and his father whom he loved so dearly.  The spirit of Jacob was revived when he realized that his son, Joseph, was alive.  God restored to Joseph the thing that he loved the most...his family!

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